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Get Paid to Write Reviews on Your Blog

dibayar tunai reviewsThere adalah beberapa cara yang relatif mudah untuk membuat uang dari blog Anda seperti menggunakan Google AdSense
paid cash reviewsThere are several relatively easy ways to make some money from your blog such as using Google AdSense, selling private ad spots, and writing reviews. The downside with using Google AdSense and trying to sell private ad spots is your blog must have enough traffic to generate the clicks or page impressions. My guess is most of you aren’t getting hundreds of visitors to your blog each day (not yet at least) so you aren’t making much money from those methods of advertising. So where does that leave us? If you haven’t heard of writing reviews on your blog to generate a decent stream of income then you might want to check it out. How does writing reviews make me money? It’s actually easier than you think. The first step is to sign up with a blog review network and submit your blog. Some of these companies have rules in place like the age of your blog (at least 6 months old, etc), where it’s hosted (blogspot, wordpress, etc), and page rank. They try to weed out spam blog sites which are usually not very old or of good quality. Make sure you read the fine print before you spend your time applying only to find out you don’t qualify. Assuming your blog is approved, you can now browse the review marketplace looking for reviews to write about or another option is to wait for someone to approach you. I recommend you be the aggressor and sift through the marketplace so you can start making money asap. Once you find a review you’d like to write about and meet the criteria to qualify, just take it and begin. You’ll create your blog post and follow the requirements of the reviewer, then submit it for approval. After it’s approved, you get paid. Pretty easy huh?


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